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Sales Booth Information

Basic Information

The Dog & Pony Show is a shopping event to feature new releases from our Teegle creator community and special guests that cater to various animal-related themes. Read on for more information about hosting a sales booth for your store.


AUG 30 - SEPT 4


All creators MUST provide at least one new and exclusive in-theme release, which meets one of the following requirements:

  • Any release specifically designed to fit or be used by any species of Teeglepet or Teegle avatar, OR

  • Any release clearly related to the equestrian, canine, or animal communities, which can be usable by ANYONE! (For example: Animal-related avatar apparel, buildings, or decor, which anyone can rez, wear, or use, and do not require ownership of any brand of pet or animesh other than Teegle)

Your featured new and exclusive release must be an entirely NEW creation never seen before! Reskins of old releases will no longer qualify.

Your booth may also feature older animal-related releases with a minimum 20% discount.

Your new and exclusive release(s) does/do not need to be discounted.


1. All items displayed must be animal-related.

2. Creators must bring one release which fits the requirements listed above and is new and exclusive for the duration of the event (meaning you have never sold the item before, and it is not available anywhere else until the event is over.) You may have more than one new and exclusive release if you choose.


3. In addition to your one required new and exclusive release, creators may submit additional new releases for other brands of avatars or pets besides Teegle, as long as at least one new and exclusive release fits the guidelines above.


4. Each booth will be given a maximum of 60 land impact. Sponsor booths will have a maximum 125 land impact.


5. Each creator may display no more than one animesh object per booth. Animesh should be used only to display products you are selling at the event, and not as purely decorative. 


6. All creators must keep their creations within their own booth space. Anything interfering with neighboring booths may be returned at our discretion, including hovertext, light, sound, and invisible or lost prims.


7. All products must be fully PG; no sexual or violent content will be permitted.

8. No AI content or prefab mesh will be permitted. All creations must be 100% your own, original work.


9. Older releases may be included in your booth space with a required minimum 20% discount.

Apply Now

Ready to get started? Fill out the application here!

Spaces are limited; not all applicants may be chosen to participate. Accepted applicants will be contacted back with more information. Please submit all applications by August 10th!

We look forward to having you!

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