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Auction Information

Basic Information

The Dog & Pony Show is a shopping event to feature new releases from our Teegle creator community and special guests that cater to various animal-related themes. Read on for more information about participating in our One Of A Kind auctions

What is a One Of A Kind Auction?

One Of A Kind means it has never been released before, it will never be sold again, and only ONE resident on the Second Life grid (the auction winner) will ever own it!

Our One Of A Kind auctions are a way for creators to bring their best, most unique, or most unusual work to ONE lucky winner, who will have something completely unique to them that they can cherish forever!

Our One Of A Kind auctions are very popular with our community! We highly encourage all interested creators to participate with one unique skin, mod, or accessory for Teeglepet or other animal avatars or pets!

All proceeds from your One Of A Kind auction will go home with YOU, so make sure you submit your BEST work, to get the highest bid you can! Winning bids in the past have ranged from 5-6k, all the way up to 250k lindens! 

What to Submit

So what should you submit for your One Of A Kind auction item?

This is a highly subjective question, but ultimately the name of the game is something that is distinctly, visibly unique.

What do we mean by that? The more a One Of A Kind creation is unlike anything anyone has seen before or can buy elsewhere, the more likely it will be to take home those highest bid values for you. Think as big as you can! Think out of the box! 

Creating a unique, named pet with a full body mod is highly encouraged. Auction items usually consist of full body pet mods with detailed markings that are rare, unusual, and highly coveted. But making a full body pet mod is not the only option; other examples might include: a unique carriage or barn, an animated hydra tail, a set of 6 dragon wings, a flaming hellhound, and more! 

Whatever you make, it should be your absolute best work. In these auctions, quality matters! Take your time and come up with something that is uniquely YOU!

Looking for inspiration? Check out this gallery of examples from previous One Of A Kind auctions:

Silent Auction


AUG 30 - SEPT 4
SEPT 6 - SEPT 28

1. The Silent Auction is open to all creators via application. You do not need to have a sales booth at The Dog & Pony Show to participate.

2. Every item submitted to the Silent Auction MUST be One Of A Kind, meaning it has never been sold before and will never be sold again. Only ONE person on the grid (the auction winner) will ever own this One Of A Kind creation!

3. Every item submitted to the Silent Auction should be a skin, accessory, mod, or add-on for Teegle or other pets or animal avatars. 

4. Each creator may submit ONLY ONE OOAK item to the Silent Auction! Please make sure it is your absolute best work!


5. No AI content or prefab mesh will be permitted. All creations must be 100% your own, original work.

6. Creators will be given a form to fill out information about their auction item, including information on your auction item and your starting bid amount. This form must be filled out and submitted no later than September 4th.

7. Every OOAK ad will be displayed on an ad board provided by the Dog & Pony Show team. Suggested ad size: 700 x 525 pixels

8. Your OOAK display must be no more than 50 land impact and must fit within the display space (approx. 2 meters x 3 meters). Larger builds may be scaled down and linked to an external viewing area in your store or region.

9. OOAK skins in the Silent Auction may be displayed as animesh, on a posed Teegle dummy (provided at time of setup), or an unscripted avatar body.

10. We encourage all creators to provide multiple in-world locations where bidders may view your auction item, and consider photographing your ad image in a neutral light setting so that bidders are not confused by color or overall appearance. These are high dollar items and we want every bidder to go home happy!

11. All proceeds from each Silent Auction will be paid in full to the creator at the conclusion of the auction!

Live Auction


AUG 30 - SEPT 28


1. The Live Auction is open to all creators via application. You do not need to have a sales booth at The Dog & Pony Show to participate.

2. Every item submitted to the Silent Auction MUST be One Of A Kind, meaning it has never been sold before and will never be sold again. Only ONE person on the grid (the auction winner) will ever own this One Of A Kind creation!


3. Every item submitted to the Silent Auction should be a skin, accessory, mod, or add-on for Teegle or other pets or animal avatars. 


4. Each creator may submit ONLY ONE OOAK item to the Live Auction! Please make sure it is your absolute best work!

5. No AI content or prefab mesh will be permitted. All creations must be 100% your own, original work.



6. Creators will be given a form to fill out information about their auction item, including information for the auctioneer to read off and your starting bid amount. This form must be filled out and submitted no later than September 28th.


7. Every OOAK ad will be displayed on an ad board provided by the Dog & Pony Show team. Suggested ad size: 700 x 525 pixels


8. Your OOAK display must be no more than 50 land impact and must fit within the display space (approx. 2 meters x 3 meters). Larger builds may be scaled down and linked to an external viewing area in your store or region.


9. OOAK skins in the Live Auction may be displayed as animesh, on a posed Teegle dummy (provided at time of setup), or an unscripted avatar body.


10. We encourage all creators to provide multiple in-world locations where bidders may view your auction item, and consider photographing your ad image in a neutral light setting so that bidders are not confused by color or overall appearance. These are high dollar items and we want every bidder to go home happy!


11. All creators must add Teegle Resident as a friend and grant Teegle edit permission over their items by no later than October 4th. This will enable Teegle to move your auction item to the correct positions during the auction for not yet bid on, next up, current bid, and finished bidding. Object permissions and friendship may be revoked at any time after the auction.




12. The live auction will take place at the Dog & Pony Show event, spanning two regions worth of seating for guests and bidders.


13. The auction will take place with an auctioneer on voice, and helpers in text chat to introduce new auction items, take bids, and count down a bid until sold.


14. Any guests besides the auctioneer who are using voice during the event will first be asked to mute and will be kicked from the event if noncompliant. No guests besides the auctioneer will be allowed on local voice at any point during the auction. No exceptions.


15. Minimum bid increment for the auction will be set to 500L.


16. Proxy bidding will be allowed and encouraged for any bidders who are not able to be present at the time of the auction. Proxy bids will be gathered through a form available to fill out throughout the duration of The Dog & Pony Show event and will be bid live by a staff helper at the time of the auction.


17. All proceeds from each Live Auction will be paid in full to the creator at the conclusion of the auction!

Apply Now

Ready to get started? Fill out the application here!

Spaces are limited; not all applicants may be chosen to participate. Accepted applicants will be contacted back with more information. Please submit all applications by August 10th!

We look forward to having you!

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